Senin, 24 Januari 2011

Situ Cileunca and Mystical Stories

SITU Cileunca located 45 km south of Bandung city, not far from the City District Pangalengan. Puddle of water covering an area of 180 hectares was sandwiched between two villages, namely Warnasari and pulosari. "Actually, Situ Cileunca that there are two pieces. Cileunca One has an area of 210 hectares and this, Situ Cileunca Two, has an area of 180 hectares, "said Asep Jabog (50), one of the local community leaders, to" PR ", recently.

He recounts, first, Situ Cileunca is a Dutch privately owned areas. "His name Kuhlan," he said.

Development was held there for 7 years (1919-1926) in a way to stem the flow of time Cileunca. "Interestingly, based on the narrative old people first, there was built by many people. Do not use a hoe, but using Halu, "he said.

There is development, he said, commanded two smart people, namely Arya and Mahesti renowned as the Juragan. So, not surprisingly, the tomb Mahesti be a place sacred by the local community. "The question of who like to visit, not just people here, but there are many people from outside," said Ade Rowi (35), one of the boatmen there.

There are many mythical stories in Situ Cileunca. One that is often heard is "puppet show". Asep Jabog justify it. "But, now, is rarely heard. First, based on the story, there is a group of drummers wayang (puppet masters following the sinden and nayaga.) who drowned in Situ Cileunca. Since then, people often hear a strange sound. In fact, no nothing, "said Asep.

Asep also said, in fact, there are two famous stealth in Situ Cileunca. Lulun Samak and Dongkol. Lulun Samak is "something" that kill their prey by rolling. Meanwhile, Dongkol is "something " tangible head of buffalo.

"But, now, they are no longer here. I hear, is in Situ Bagendit. You see, this Cileunca Situ 'associated' with two other situ, ie Bagendit and patengan. Just see, if Cileunca recede, others are also receding, "said Asep Jabog.

Until now, the story of the mystical in Situ Cileunca still ongoing. Of course, in its early stages that are not harmful. "Yes, do not be surprised when camping here is that suddenly appear," said Asep.

One thing he is worried about is the situation heats up tourist attraction. In the assessment, placement in Situ Cileunca resort complex is not appropriate. So, ask tumbal. I am afraid, tumbal requested that happens in the near future. You see, the situationin of late ,is heating up, " said AsepJabog

In the afternoon, especially when the sky is clear, Situ Cileunca really pamper visitors with its natural beauty. From the top of the speeding boat slowly in calm water rippling lake, visitors can rotate the view, gazing at the green expanse of tea plantation. Far away, three mountain stood with conceited. Mount Malabar, Wayang Windu Mt.

"In the evening, here too crowded. Many prostitutes. Not the usual prostitute. Covered delicious, "Ade Rowi say. Do not mock him. Still do not know exactly how many prostitutes there, Ade said could bring the customer. Residence coordinator contacted. "Regarding the place, most people use the facilities at the village boat across the lake. Rent, Rp 150,000 a night, "he said.

He said the sex workers who were there did not apply aggressive. In their daily life, they move as usual. Evening all, they do not wander, aggressively looking for customers. "Well, if there is a message, then they leave the house. If not, it stayed at home, "he said.

Most, he said, sex workers is a product of divorce at the age of the young. "The issue of tariffs, so at most Rp 50.000,00 up to Rp 150,000," said Ade Rowi

Source : Harian Pikiran Rakyat 
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