Jumat, 07 Januari 2011

Mount Lawu

Religious Travel to Mount Lawu

Wonderful Sunrise from Mount Lawu
Wonderful Sunrise from Mount Lawu
The gate of Mount Lawu lies in lines that connect Magetan-Solo through Tawangmangu, so this vacation spot can be reached both from Magetan, or from Karanganyar.
There are two prominent purpose of traveling here,
  1. to enjoy the beautiful scenery, the nature’s forest with it’s unique flora and fauna, and it’s clean and cool air, or
  2. as a part of ritual vacation. In Mount Lawu there are a lot of historical sites as inheritance of King Brawijaya V of Java./ Majapahit kingdom

Peak of Mount Lawu
Peak of Mount Lawu
Travel to peak of Lawu can be defined as a typical kind of interest. It is said that King Brawijaya V had got his vision during his journey to the peak of Mount Lawu.
That is why, nowadays the society do the religious travel ritual, especially those who celebrates new year as part of Javanese culture. The amount of visitors will come to top on Javanese new year, which comes in the night of 1st muharram or 1st of Suro ( Suro is a name of Javanese calendar, it is the first month of the year, while Muharram is arabic term for this date ).

Sourch : Exotic Tour

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